stay connected to Renaissance Church
stay connected to Renaissance Church
Small Groups
Are you ready to take your life to the next level? Groups are gathering now to guide you in next steps in your walk with God. Sign up for our Wednesday night small groups at both campuses starting soon.
Care Team
At Renaissance Church, we're here for you for whatever life throws at you. You don't have to go through this alone.
Reach out if you're in need of counseling, help, or just want someone to check in on you. Click the button below to reach out to our Care Team for you or someone you love.
Help spread the word about our Easter celebration at City Lake Park - THE TRIAD'S LARGEST EGG HUNT! Click the button to visit the facbook event so you can tell the world you'll be there and invite all your friends to join you!
There’s no better way to share the story of what God is doing in your life than by being baptized! Baptism is an outward celebration of an inward change, and here at Renaissance, we’re hosting a Baptism at each of our campuses on February 23 during each of our morning worship experiences.
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